Saturday 15 July 2023

Roadtripping Iceland : Day 2 : Tuesday 30 May

Heading back West along the southern coast, we decided to stop at the Glacier Lagoon again.
We visited the Vatnajokull National Park to see the glacier.
Everyone visits the Black Beach at Reynisfjara but it's not that spectacular and I have never been walking on a beach in such foul weather before; howling a gale and icy temperatures. Neil didn't make it out of the car. The Dyrholaey Penninsula is pretty too but walking in the wind is not that nice. I was puffin hunting on the cliffs and we think we briefly glanced one from a distance. The kittiwakes, gulls and terns on the other hand were abundant. We tried the famous Pylsur Icelandic hot dog with all the trimmings - crispy onion, fresh onion, remolade, mustard and ketchup. Tasty. We spent the night in a lovely Airbnb at Arheimar near Selfoss. At this time of year the sun sets at 11.30pm and rises again at 3am and the sky never fully darkens.

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