Wednesday 30 August 2023

Moz Malawi 2023: Part 7 : Day 17 and 18 : Majete National Park

Saturday 1 July
Tete to the Mwanza border was a 2 hour drive. Leaving Moz is simple but entering Malawi requires a lot patience and paperwork. Immigration. Customs. Road tax. Emissions tax. Temporary Import Permit. Insurance.  All with different officials at different windows at various offices. Paid in different currencies. Money changing and a few tips and we're on our way. 
Stopping for SIM cards. Stopping again to buy airtime. Stopping on the side of the road for burgers- cooked by Neil - and beer - no MacDonalds here.
Punching through Blantyre on a busy Saturday afternoon - over the hills and into Majete National Park.
This park is run by African Parks now and it's going from strength to strength. The campsite is lovely and the staff are on hand to build your fire,  wash your dishes and do your laundry.Sunday 2 July
I cooked a Durban mutton curry for 8 hours in the potje on the fire and Charles kept an eye on it for me when we went on an evening game drive. We don't want baboons stealing our dinner.  Game viewing is good considering how thick the bush is. We missed the wild dogs but we did see the lions. And wonderful Sable.

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