Sunday 2 April 2023

Egypt 2023: Part 5: Luxor West Bank

Saturday 18 March

I am overwhelmed! Day One on the West Bank of Luxor there was so much to see and we haven't even been to the Valley of the Kings yet! These lesser visited temples and tombs are amazing and it's such a pleasure to have these places almost to ourselves. Let's just say that I have given up on any idea of travelling independently in Egypt because our private guide has been so good and she has minimised the harassment from touts, scammers and sellers. 

1. Ramesseum - Memorial Temple to King Rames II.

2. Ramose Tomb - Tomb of nobleman Vizier Ramose and his wife. 

3. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

4. Deir El Madina - village of the artists and temple builders with their tombs which they decorated themselves on their days off.

5. Habu Temple - dedicated to wars and battle victories of Rames III. 


Neil has written our names in heiroglyphics and made our kartouche. 

Tonight we caught the hotel ferry over the Nile to The Winter Palace, an historic colonial hotel with beautiful gardens. After drinks in the Royal Bar we had a BBQ buffet out by the pool


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