Saturday 13 January 2024

Europe 2023 : France : 9 more days of Rugby and Wine

Monday 25th September to Tuesday 3 October
And we were off again through France, overnighting on Monday in St.Florentin. On Tuesday we met up with Stephen and Carolyn in Nuits St. George in Burgundy for an afternoon of Pinot Noir tasting and more wine with dinner. 
Wednesday and Thursday we spent in Arbois, the centre of the Jura wine region and home to Vin Jaune and some good natural wines for Neil and Cremants for me.  I had delicious, local Bresse chicken with morels for lunch; best chicken in the world they say and it was good. 
On Friday we stayed by the Rhone river near Montelimar; the home of nougat.
On Saturday we were back at the campsite on the beach near Martique. We spent a great afternoon walking on the beach and enjoying a bottle of wine at Les Ombrelles.
On Sunday it was back to Marseilles for the Springboks vs Tonga game. Only the two of us this time in the Tesla taxi racing down the coastal highway like were in a James Bond movie. And this time I had booked a table at the restaurant with the best vibe within walking distance of the stadium. We loved the game; such sportsmanship and camaraderie on the field and off.
Monday 2 October saw us starting the trek back to Munich.  We stayed over in another Jura town called Dole, home of Louis Pasteur, whose work actually began in oeniology. Where would we be without wine?
Luckily I booked at the fabulous Le Atelier de Louis restaurant because the weather was gorgeous outside and we watched loads of people turn up and get turned away. There's not much open on a Monday so you could be left with no option but the pizza vending machine! 
On Tuesday we were in Egusheim in the heart of Alsace, tasting Reisling and dining on local fare. That's basically all the wine regions of France in one trip done.
Wine and Rugby!

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