Saturday 13 January 2024

Europe 2023 : France : St.Emillion

Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th September
It was quite a drive to St. Emillion for our party of 15 in 3 campers and 2 cars. Strolling or cycling in the vineyards around here is lovely but it was very hot. We visited a cellar for tasting and spend a day in St. Emillion. Town was packed with Saffers and we spotted a few Springboks too. We had a marvelous evening at Restaurant Les Marroniers in Montagne. While ordering Tommy called his Brochette ( chicken on a skewer ) a kebab and the owner was genuinely appalled. "In 24 years no-one has even accused me of serving kebab!" Mandy apologized for her husband. "Well luckily he's your's not mine!" Our taxis ended up being over an hour late. Eventually he closed up his restaurant and sent us packing. We reluctantly began a 3.5km walk home in the dark and then the taxis pulled up and loaded us in. Instead of complaining we were grateful they came at all! So a bit of advice for whinging tourists..This is France..They are direct..It's a bit of take it or leave it..Just start every interaction with a loud "Bonjour!" and you'll get a long way. 

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