Tuesday 18 July 2023

Moz Malawi 2023 : Part 3 : Bilene

Day 6 : Tuesday 20 June
Travelling back through Maputo Special Reserve took 6 hours to do 100kms, with all the towing out of thick sand, a brunch stop and reinflating tyres before getting on the  road to Maputo.
Now we had to watch the constantly changing speed limits and deal with the multiple police road blocks along the way. 
Then our caravan tyre had a puncture and had to be changed. Then shopping and refuelling. Our group got split up in the crazy Maputo traffic but thanks to What's App we kept in touch the whole time. Driving after dark in Mozambique, especially on the N1 is dangerous but we had no choice if we wanted to make it to Bilene. San Martinho Resort kept their kitchen and bar open for us and especially our drivers to relax and chill. By midnight our heads hit pillows and we slept like logs.
Day 7 : Wednesday 21 June
Our San Martihno Resort villa was right on the beach in Bilene and we had the morning to chill on the verandah and enjoy Hanlie's brunch. On the awesome drive around the lagoon to Ngabanga Paradise there were more sand nightmares. In the end, Neil and the Landcruiser saved the day. Tip -now that we have done it- stick as close to the water's edge as possible on this drive. The journey was worth it. This campsite has grassy, shaded sites facing the water and very good bathrooms.
Sunset swimming, lots of drinks and a super dinner by Deirdre and Sean.

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