Monday 20 February 2023

Botswana Camping Trip 2022 : Part Two : Central Kalahari Game Reserve

Tuesday 20th to Friday 23th September

Day 4 to 7

You need to fill up your jerry cans with fuel in Rakops and let some air out of your tyres for this journey.

It's a long, slow, sandy road to the gate at Central Kalahari.

And then another long haul out to Leopard Pan.

The campsite here is wonderfully isolated.

 There's a long drop but no other facilities and you have to bring in all your own water.  Showering is out in the open behind the caravan.  
 We didn't have any visits from any predators at night but we were swarmed by wild African bees during the day if we left even the smallest amount of water anywhere. This made showering a real hazard and food preparation or dish washing was a challenge. 
CK is very dry at the end of winter and game viewing is sparce due to the lack of food and water. 

You need to cover large distances to find animals; it is a huge desert after all but we did find the cheetah.  

This is remote camping but we all loved it. Living wild, cooking outdoors, living off the grid, being self sufficient.

Every trip Neil buys a silly hat and every evening after lots of wine and whisky, we vote on who gets to wear the hat. It's for the person who made the biggest faux pas of the day!

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